In supervised classification the image analyst supervises the pixel categorization process. In this approach, the users define useful information categories and then examine their spectral separability. This classification consists of three stages: Training stage, Classification stage and Output stage. Accuracy assessment is required to get an accurate classification.
In this stage, the analyst identifies representative training sites/areas (i.e., a particular land cover type), then the computer determines the spectral signatures of the pixels within each training are,and uses this information to define the mean and variance of each of the classes. The training stage requires close interaction between the image analyst and the image data. It also requires substantial reference data and a thorough knowledge of the geographic area to which the data apply. The more time and effort spent in collecting training site the better the classification results. To yield acceptable classification results, training data must be both representative and complete.
Open Erdas Imagine
Open satellite image (‘satdec.img’ (Landsat 8 OLI)) image in the viewer. File → open → select satellite image → Ok .
3. Subset the area of interest and change bands (True colour to False colour). To change bands: Multispectral → set layer- 3, 2, 1.
4. Click on Raster tab → Supervised → Signature Editor.
A new ‘Signature Editor’ window will open .
Repeat steps 5,6 and 7 for the rest of water. Increase in number of samples (AOI layer), will increase the accuracy of classification. 9 .Repeat the steps as water for rest of the classes (vegetation, grassland).
Once the preferable numbers of sample is selected the Signature Editor window should look like the image below.
In classification, each pixel in the image data set is categorized into the land cover class it most closely resembles. If the pixel is insufficiently similar to any training data set, it is usually labeled ‘unknown’. After all pixels in the input image have been categorized, the results are presented in the output stage.
A new class should appear which a combination of all the samples collected .
Output products are in the form of thematic maps, tables of statistics for the various land cover classes and digital data files amenable to inclusion in a GIS (GIS input).
Enter Ok. A new process list window will appear, close it after the process is completed .
Open saved file .