Arun Gopinath

Discover with Arun Gopinathan: Tech, Photography, and Everything in Between

Adding a leaflet map with a popup


Map with a popup!

Below map is embedded in this post with the help of shortcode created by Simonfrey which uses OSM and Leaflet. A popup is added like a cherry on the top of a cake. Placing layout/shortcode in /themes folder was an issue in the beginning. Later this folder is moved into the root folder of this blog. This change practically resolved the issue with adaptability of leaflet shortcode. Hope this transition will be beneficial in future theme migration.

Click on the marker to see the popup

{ {< load-leaflet >} }

{ {< leaflet-simple mapHeight="500px" mapWidth="100%" mapLat="8.423385" mapLon="77.12120" markerLat="8.423385" markerLon="77.12120" markerContent="I'm here" >} }